Circumference of a Circle

Circumference of a Circle

Circumference of a Circle

The distance covered by travelling once around a circle is called Circumference of a Circle.
Circumference of a Circle

Circumference of a CircleDiameter    = Ï€(pie)

Circumference of a Circle2r               = Ï€(pie)

Circumference of a Circle = 2Ï€r
  • The great Indian athematician Aryabhatta (A.D. 476 – 550) gave an approximate value of Ï€ (pie)
  • He stated that Ï€ = 6283220000, which is nearly equal to 3.1416.
  • Ï€ (pie) is an irrational number.
  • Its decimal expansion is Non-terminating and Non-recurring (Non-repeating). 
  • However, for practical purposes, we generally take the value of Ï€ (pie) as = 22or 3.14, approximately.
Q. Calculate the circumference of a circle having radius 7 m.


The circumference here can be calculated using the formula,

         Circumference = 2Ï€r 

                           C  = 2 × Ï€ × 7

                               = 2 × 22× 7

                               = 44 m.