Range of Data

Range of Data

Range of the data is the difference between the maximum value and minimum value in a data set. 

Steps to calculate the value of Range for ungrouped data:

Step 1: Arrange the series in ascending or descending order. 

Step 2: Select the highest and lowest values in the distribution. 

Step 3: Subtract the minimum value from the maximum value.

Range= Maximum value – Minimum value
Range of Data

Range of Data

For example – 

The marks of a student in 5 tests on Range topic are(out of 15):

11, 12, 10, 14 and 15.

Step 1: 

Arranging them in ascending order- 10, 11, 12, 14 and 15. 

Step 2: 

Select the highest and lowest values in the distribution. 

Maximum value =15

Minimum value= 10

Step 3: 

Subtract the minimum value from the maximum value.

Range= Maximum value – Minimum value

The range of the data is given as- 15-10 = 5.
