How to find principle value of Inverse trigonometric function?

Inverse trigonometric function

  • \(\sin^{–1} x\) should not be confused with \(\sin^{–1} x\). In fact \(\sin^{–1} x = \dfrac{1}{\sin x}\) and similarly for other trigonometric functions.
  • Whenever no branch of an inverse trigonometric functions is mentioned, we mean the principle value branch of that function.
  • The value of an inverse trigonometric functions which lies in the range of principle branch is called the principle value of that inverse trigonometric functions.
Inverse Trigonometric Functions

Example 1:

Find the principle value of
\(\sin^{-1}\dfrac{1}{\sqrt 2}\).


Let \(\sin^{-1}\Bigg(\dfrac{1}{\sqrt 2}\Bigg)=y\).Then, \(\sin y=\dfrac{1}{\sqrt 2}\)

we know the range of principle value of \(\sin^{-1}\) is 

\(\Bigg[-\dfrac{\pi}{2},\dfrac{\pi}{2}\Bigg]\) and \(\sin\Bigg[\dfrac{\pi}{4}\Bigg]=\dfrac{1}{\sqrt2}\)

Therefore,principle value of \(\sin^{1}\Bigg(\dfrac{1}{\sqrt 2}\Bigg)\) is \(\dfrac{\pi}{4}\)

Example 2:

Find the principle value of
\(\cot^{-1}\dfrac{-1}{\sqrt 3}\).

Let \(\cot^{-1}\Bigg(\dfrac{1}{\sqrt 3}\Bigg)=y\).Then, 

\(\cot y=\dfrac{-1}{\sqrt 3}=-\cot \dfrac{\pi}{3}\)\(=\cot \Bigg(\pi-\dfrac{\pi}{3}\Bigg)=\cot \Bigg( \dfrac{2\pi}{3} \Bigg)\)

we know the range of principle value of \(\cot^{-1}\) is \((0,\pi)\) and \(\cot \Bigg( \dfrac{2\pi}{3} \Bigg)=\dfrac{-1}{\sqrt 3}\)

Hence the principle value of \(\cot^{-1}\dfrac{1}{\sqrt 2}\) is \(\dfrac{2\pi}{3}\).