Polynomial is made up of two word : Poly + nomial
poly- means "many" and -nomial means "term"... so
Polynomial means "many terms".

Polynomials have major components as given below:
A variable can take various values.
Its value is not fixed.
Examples of constants are: 4, 100, –17, etc.
Examples of exponents are 2 in x2 , but only 0, 1, 2, 3, ... etc are allowed.

We use letters x, y, l, m, ... etc. to denote variables.A variable can take various values.
Its value is not fixed.
A constant has a fixed value.Examples of constants are: 4, 100, –17, etc.
Exponents are power of a variableExamples of exponents are 2 in x2 , but only 0, 1, 2, 3, ... etc are allowed.

Polynomial can have one or more than one terms, but it do not have an infinite number of terms.

Terms are added to form expressions.